Host Evenings and Bed Transfer Schedules

Host Schedule

Guests arrive between 5:15 and 5:30PM

Dinner between 5:30 and 5:45PM

Monday through Friday AM Pick up is at 6:45

Saturday AM pick up is at 8:30

Sunday AM pick up is at 7:30


Sunday Bed Transfer Schedule

Guests/overnight volunteers to deflate and pack up bed they slept in. Pillows to be packed in large plastic bags – should be able to fit 3 to a bag.

Coordinators – please make sure your Sunday AM volunteers know to collect and have the following  ready for the driver:

     All Beds, Bed Covers, Pillows, Host  Log, First Aid Kit, medication boxes, and any other items that were delivered to you the previous Sunday.

Van driver will pick up Guests and all bedding, etc at 7:30AM 

Van driver will deliver Beds, etc to next congregation between 8 and 8:30AM –  please have volunteers on site to receive.